Using Polyspace Code Prover to verify server software

Polyspace Code Prover is a commercial software verification tool. I exchanged many emails and four phone calls with Mathworks in order to convince them to give me a one-month free trial. Unlike my usual toolset, it is not “free as in freedom”, it is free as in “have fun with those FlexLM bugs, bwahaha”. But, I’m a pragmatist.

PCP can be used to verify C, C++ or Ada code. It is mostly aimed at embedded software development. Contrary to the fears of the Mathworks sales team, it can be used to verify server software. Over the last few days, I’ve used it to find several bugs in PHP’s exif extension. It is awesome and probably smarter than me. It didn’t take long for it to start telling me things about the code that I didn’t know.

The general workflow is:

  • Choose a smallish (~2000 line) module
  • Polyspace automatically generates stubs to represent all undefined functions, and generates a main() function which calls all exported (i.e. non-static) functions
  • Analysis generates hundreds of “orange” checks
  • You then refine the stub and main generation, and tweak the source as necessary, in order to reduce the number of orange checks
  • The remaining orange checks can be acknowledged with saved comments on the analysis.

PCP describes orange checks as “unproven code”, but that terminology downplays their severity. An orange check can be a blatant bug, for example:

char * p = malloc(1);
*p = 'x';

PCP knows that malloc() can fail and return NULL, and will flag the dereference orange, to point out that you haven’t checked for that.

The fact that PCP is mostly intended for embedded systems is fairly obvious. Stubs for standard library functions are provided, but POSIX functions such as stat() are missing and need to be written by the user. Perhaps the biggest weakness is its string handling. For example, its sprintf() stub is essentially:

int sprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...)
	int length;
	int i;
	length = _polyspace_random_int();
	if (length < 0) {
		length = 0;
	for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
		s[i] = _polyspace_random_char();
	s[length] = 0;
	return length;

This is, of course, a gross simplification of this fraught function, and leaves plenty of room for uncaught segfaults.

PCP has a system for customising automatic generation of stub functions, called DRS. I didn’t have much luck with it — I found that progress was much faster when I just wrote the stub functions in C, following examples from polyspace/verifier/cxx/cinclude/__polyspace__stdstubs.c . DRS focuses on specifying valid ranges for numbers, which wasn’t a particularly useful approach for my test case.

Getting started with Polyspace Code Prover

PCP has some stupid defaults which you need to be careful with:

  • When adding include paths, “add recursively” is checked by default. You really don’t want to add /usr/include recursively. Those include paths are equivalent to -I options to gcc, except without system defaults. They need to be non-recursive and correctly ordered.
  • “Target processor type” defaults to i386 on an x86-64 system
  • Check Behavior > Overflow computation mode: should be “wrap-around”, to match the compiler.
  • Precision: These options control the run time and model complexity. I’ve found precision level 1 and verification level 0 to be sufficient for initial exploration, and a run at that level takes a mere 40 minutes for my exif.c test case. A run to verification level 4 took about 10 processor-hours and maybe 1.5 GB per core of RAM. It’s probably good to have a long-running configuration prepared so that you can quickly start it to run overnight before you leave your computer for the day.

Some bugs I found:

  • It doesn’t seem to like assignment expressions, for example in the condition of an if statement. Well, who can blame it, I don’t like them either. The affected assignments were ignored.
  • It miscounted the length of a string literal containing null bytes. I couldn’t reproduce it in an isolated test case.
  • The engine sometimes failed with “Maximum number of users for PolySpace_Bug_Finder_Engine reached”. The solution for this was rm /dev/shm/*.
  • The FlexNet binaries in etc/glnxa64 had the wrong ELF interpreter, so attempting to run them would fail with “file not found”. You can identify the interpreter with objdump -j .interp -s lmutil and then symlink it to your actual interpreter, e.g. ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib64/

It’s not for the faint hearted. But, with patience, you can test code in a way which is mostly orthogonal to human code review, unit testing and fuzz testing. Powerful static analysis tools like PCP could make a valuable contribution to security testing of server code.

Season clock

My wife Angela wanted a clock for her birthday where its one and only hand would go around once per year.

Sure, I can do that, I said. Angela chose a wall clock to modify, and chose artwork for the dial. I designed and built the circuit, and wrote the microcontroller code.


In-circuit programming made testing and debugging easy. I built the circuit on Veroboard.

Veroboard layout

Blue lines are copper tracks, red lines are jumpers. Cyan marks the track breaks, which I etched out with a dremel engraving bit.

I had to take the hands off to get the movement box open. The hands were made of metal barely thicker than foil, and it was necessary to use quite a bit of force to get them off the shaft. So I’m quite proud of myself for managing to save the minute hand and to get it back on to the shaft intact.

It was somewhat scary pulling the movement apart and putting it back together again. It was necessary to take all the tiny nylon gears out to get to the motor connections. When I put the case back on, one of the gear axles wasn’t quite lined up correctly, and it bent through almost 90°. I bent it back into shape by hand, and it somehow still worked afterwards.

The code is interrupt-driven. With a 32.768 kHz system clock in idle mode, the current draw was only 80µA, plus about 0.1µA average for driving the motor (3mA pulses with 0.004% duty cycle). So we can expect 3 years of battery life from a pair of AA alkalines.

 * A driver for a standard battery-powered analogue clock, which will tick once
 * every 8766.15 seconds, so that the minute hand will complete a revolution once
 * per year. With the hour and second hands cut off, and appropriate artwork 
 * attached to the dial, the minute hand will tell you what season it is.
 * An ATtiny24/44/84 should be used, with a 32.768 kHz watch crystal attached
 * to XTAL1/XTAL2. PA0 and PA1 are used as a virtual H-bridge.
 * According to Silicon Chip March 2008, a suitable pulse is 13mA for 100ms. 
 * With 3V battery power, that suggests a current-limiting resistor in the 
 * vicinity of 230 ohms.
 * For my continuous sweep wall clock, the multimeter says:
 *   * coil resistance = 560 ohm
 *   * frequency at either port = 8 Hz
 *   * duty cycle = 18.7% (implies 23.4ms pulse)
 *   * VDC = 0.3V (divided by 18.7% implies full swing of 1.6V)
 * So that implies a 560 ohm resistor for a supply of 3.2V
 * Note: dial diameter 237mm.
 * Timer0 is used for pulse duration timing. Timer1, in combination with the 
 * counter variable, is used as the real-time clock.
 * LFUSE must be set to 0xe6 to enable the external crystal.
#define F_CPU 32768
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
static long counter = 0;
static enum {
} nextPulse;
// 0.023 seconds with prescale 64
#define TICK_DURATION (short)(0.023 * F_CPU / 64)
#ifdef TEST_MODE
#define PERIOD_FACTOR_1 (unsigned int)(F_CPU / 16)
#define PERIOD_FACTOR_2 1
// Tick with period 50026*5742/32768 seconds
// 50026 * 5742 / 32768 happens to be very close to the number of hours in
// a year. So our minute hand will cover one revolution in one year, with a 
// residue here of only 8ms (although of course the quartz crystal is not 
// that stable, or even calibrated correctly)
#define PERIOD_FACTOR_1 (unsigned int)(50026.0 * F_CPU / 32768)
#define PERIOD_FACTOR_2 5742
#else /* 16 Hz */
// This is for continuous sweep movements that normally require 16 ticks per second
// Tick with period 15845*1133/32768 seconds.
// For testing, a square wave will appear on PA3 with frequency 1.034017 Hz.
#define PERIOD_FACTOR_1 (unsigned int)(15845.0 * F_CPU / 32768)
#define PERIOD_FACTOR_2 1133
static inline void tick() {
	// Start the clock
	// Set up Timer0A to interrupt after the tick duration
	// Reset the counter
	TCNT0 = 0;
	// Enable output compare interrupt
	// Start the pulse
	if (nextPulse == PULSE_POSITIVE) {
		nextPulse = PULSE_NEGATIVE;
		PORTA |= _BV(PA0);
	} else {
		nextPulse = PULSE_POSITIVE;
		PORTA |= _BV(PA1);
ISR(TIM0_COMPA_vect) {
	// End the pulse
	PORTA &= ~_BV(PA0);
	PORTA &= ~_BV(PA1);
	// Disable the interrupt and the timer module
	TCNT0 = 0;
ISR(TIM1_COMPA_vect) {
	// Toggle the test signal
	PORTA ^= _BV(PA3);
	if (++counter >= PERIOD_FACTOR_2) {
		// Cycle the stepper motor
		counter = 0;
int main() {
	// Enable pullups for unconnected pins
	PORTA = ~_BV(PA0) & ~_BV(PA1) & ~_BV(PA3);
	PORTB = ~_BV(PB0) & ~_BV(PB1);
	// Set direction for outputs PA0, PA1 and PA3
	DDRA = _BV(DDA0) | _BV(DDA1) | _BV(DDA3);
	// Set up Timer0 with prescale=64, but disable the clock initially
	TCCR0B = _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00);
	// Set Clear Timer on Compare mode
	TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12);
	// Set clock source CLKIO no prescaler
	TCCR1B |= _BV(CS10);
	// Set the period
	// Enable interrupts
	// Interrupt loop with idle mode between interrupts
	while (1) {

Thecus NAS

I just bought a NAS, specifically a Thecus N2200EVO, to do LAN music streaming and some other miscellaneous storage tasks at home. I was just on the verge of disappointment at a few minor niggles, when I discovered the SSH interface.

It lets you log in as root. It’s Linux on ARM. All the partitions are writable, and /etc appears to be mounted on a persistent storage device. The web interface is written in PHP. Within a few minutes, I had hacked out the annoying Flash login page, now it is replaced by an HTML fallback (at least until the next reboot).

The startup process is implemented in shell script, with explanatory comments by people called Astro, Michelle and Angus. It uses SQLite for configuration storage, in addition to plain files.

I understand from a quick bit of web surfing that it is trivial to write your own “module”, which can contain modifications to the PHP web interface, arbitrary cross-compiled binaries, etc. Modules can be installed via the admin interface and are stored on the attached hard drives.

It’s hard to imagine a consumer device offering an easier path to customisation for a LAMP developer like me.

Open/save dialog goes to “recently used” list by default

Hi folks,

I thought I’d stop by my blog to rant about a little GTK+ issue that has come up recently.

GTK+ is known for its thoughtful design. For example, when you open a file chooser dialog box to open or save a file, the directory it initially displays is the last directory you used.

Or at least, that’s what it used to do. The relevant code was deleted last July by the well-known GNOME developer Federico Mena Quintero, in GTK+ versions 2 and 3. In its place, you get the “recently used” list.

File/Open screenshot

I guess you haven't opened any schematics lately

I don’t know about you, but usually the files I want to open are not the ones I have not recently used. If I opened a source file recently, it would probably still be open in my text editor. And if I want to send an email attachment, the file I send is usually a different one each time, not the same file over and over again.

Files tend to be grouped into directories. If you open a file in a directory, it’s fair to assume that when you click “open” again, you want to open a different file in the same directory, not the exact same file you just opened. In most apps, this workflow will still be possible because the app calls gtk_file_chooser_set_filename() to set the current filename to be equal to the last one that was opened, and in this case, the relevant directory is used.

However, in some apps there is no filename or directory set, and every click on the “open” button results in you going to a list of recently-opened files. From this list, there is no way to navigate to the directory of the last opened file apart from remembering where it was and following the whole hierarchy, or creating a bookmark. You might say that that’s the app’s fault, but it was never a problem in the past, because GTK+ had sensible behaviour by default which didn’t need to be overridden.

The behaviour of the “save” function is just as bad. Here’s a screenshot:

File/Save screenshot

Here's a list of everything you've worked on in the past month in no apparent order. Where would you like to put this file?

Some have said that Xfce provides a refuge for people who don’t agree with the direction the Linux Desktop has taken, with the release of GNOME 3 and Unity. I switched to Xfce for that reason, but I’m not really finding it to be the safe refuge that I expected it to be. The developers who built GNOME 3 are also using libraries shared by both GNOME and Xfce as a platform for their questionable experiments in user experience.